C-It-Loci: A knowledge database for tissue-enriched loci.

Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main

Gene Info

Description: speedy homolog B (Xenopus laevis)
Gene AccessionGene NameTax IDStrandPositionGene Biotype
ENSMUSG00000039296 Spdyb 10090 - 5:143216316-143226890 protein_coding
  Transcript Accession Transcript Name Position Transcript Biotype
  ENSMUST00000085733 Spdyb-001 143216316-143225882 protein_coding
  ENSMUST00000160502 Spdyb-002 143216698-143226890 protein_coding

Mus musculus EnsemblGRCm38

Exciting message
Gene structures from Ensembl
Structures from Ensembl
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Expression Patterns

Heat Map
Numeric Values
Transcript'; BrainHeartKidneyPlacentaTestisENSMUST00000085733ENSMUST00000160502
Transcript ID Brain Heart Kidney Placenta Testis
ENSMUST00000085733 0.008±0.00 N/A N/A 0.003±0.00 2.990±0.88
ENSMUST00000160502 0.006±0.00 0.058±0.03 0.033±0.01 N/A 2.478±0.59

Conserved Regions

Region IDSub-RegionRegion TypePosition
CIL_000854 CIL_000854_0002 VISTA 5:142700569-143309825

Gene Ontology

GO IDEvidence TypeGO Description
GO:0005575 ND cellular_component
GO:0005634 ISS nucleus
GO:0007049 IEA cell cycle
GO:0019901 IPI protein kinase binding
GO:0045737 IDA positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity


ENSEMBL Accession Gene Name Description Biotype Species
ENSG00000136206 SPDYE1 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E1 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000170092 SPDYE5 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E5 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000173678 SPDYE2B speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E2B protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000183318 SPDYE4 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E4 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000205238 SPDYE2 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E2 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000214300 SPDYE3 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E3 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSG00000260097 SPDYE6 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E6 protein_coding Homo_sapiens
