Source ID |
Type |
Tax ID |
Position |
hs1513 |
9606 |
5:14144246-14745917 |
Gene | Transcript | Position | Biotype |
ENSG00000038382 (TRIO)
trio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
ENST00000344135 (TRIO-009)
14488448-14510203 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000344204 (TRIO-001)
14143702-14510204 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000502490 (TRIO-019)
14388613-14397341 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000502816 (TRIO-012)
14143702-14290887 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000503399 (TRIO-016)
14492370-14496986 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000504606 (TRIO-013)
14290977-14297513 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000505971 (TRIO-011)
14143702-14287104 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000506611 (TRIO-005)
14474012-14477333 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000507714 (TRIO-014)
14419814-14420800 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000508283 (TRIO-021)
14498516-14504674 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000508343 (TRIO-017)
14498139-14499181 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000508717 (TRIO-022)
14498516-14508333 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000509354 (TRIO-020)
14399024-14420186 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000509967 (TRIO-008)
14183798-14399400 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000510281 (TRIO-007)
14482417-14487789 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000510757 (TRIO-023)
14387343-14387950 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000511019 (TRIO-006)
14479321-14481796 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000512070 (TRIO-010)
14143837-14508676 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000512303 (TRIO-018)
14406214-14419904 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000512979 (TRIO-015)
14418783-14420021 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000513206 (TRIO-002)
14290977-14532128 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000515144 (TRIO-003)
14293041-14489165 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000515710 (TRIO-004)
14440819-14466451 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000620511 (TRIO-201)
14465589-14510201 |
protein_coding |
ENSG00000145569 (FAM105A)
family with sequence similarity 105, member A
ENST00000274217 (FAM105A-001)
14581775-14612720 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000506258 (FAM105A-002)
14610338-14615007 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000513825 (FAM105A-003)
14600965-14607370 |
processed_transcript |
ENSG00000154122 (ANKH)
ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator
ENST00000284268 (ANKH-001)
14704804-14871778 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000502585 (ANKH-005)
14711088-14717088 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000503389 (ANKH-004)
14769007-14788217 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000503939 (ANKH-007)
14741292-14755888 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000505140 (ANKH-002)
14868709-14871726 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000513115 (ANKH-003)
14768616-14871472 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000515517 (ANKH-006)
14741457-14749227 |
retained_intron |
ENSG00000154124 (OTULIN)
OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity
ENST00000284274 (OTULIN-001)
14664748-14699711 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000503023 (OTULIN-003)
14664664-14690270 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000506417 (OTULIN-005)
14681550-14693400 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000507335 (OTULIN-002)
14664732-14674137 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000508678 (OTULIN-006)
14681576-14687940 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000514913 (OTULIN-004)
14678756-14690151 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENSG00000248791 (CTD-2165H16.3)
ENST00000503819 (CTD-2165H16.3-001)
14620020-14621313 |
processed_pseudogene |
ENSG00000250182 (EEF1A1P13)
eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 pseudogene 13
ENST00000503537 (EEF1A1P13-001)
14651941-14653329 |
processed_pseudogene |
ENSG00000250526 (CCT6P2)
chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6 (zeta) pseudogene 2
ENST00000507234 (CCT6P2-001)
14639426-14641018 |
processed_pseudogene |
ENSG00000261360 (CTD-2165H16.4)
ENST00000563101 (CTD-2165H16.4-001)
14661808-14664604 |
antisense |
ENST00000564167 (CTD-2165H16.4-003)
14663103-14664275 |
antisense |
ENST00000567048 (CTD-2165H16.4-002)
14663101-14664573 |
antisense |