Source ID |
Type |
Tax ID |
Position |
hs2040 |
9606 |
2:67892841-68494859 |
Gene | Transcript | Position | Biotype |
ENSG00000115946 (PNO1)
partner of NOB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
ENST00000263657 (PNO1-001)
68157844-68176238 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000430742 (PNO1-002)
68157917-68162273 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000488728 (PNO1-003)
68173107-68174964 |
retained_intron |
ENSG00000115956 (PLEK)
ENST00000234313 (PLEK-001)
68365173-68397453 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000474788 (PLEK-002)
68387942-68395717 |
retained_intron |
ENSG00000119865 (CNRIP1)
cannabinoid receptor interacting protein 1
ENST00000263655 (CNRIP1-001)
68293010-68320006 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409559 (CNRIP1-002)
68284171-68319400 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409862 (CNRIP1-004)
68315921-68319887 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000481714 (CNRIP1-003)
68293066-68320051 |
processed_transcript |
ENSG00000169621 (APLF)
aprataxin and PNKP like factor
ENST00000303795 (APLF-001)
68467561-68580162 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000394342 (APLF-201)
68645822-68655576 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000445692 (APLF-004)
68467603-68580162 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000471727 (APLF-002)
68529638-68630724 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000488585 (APLF-005)
68627880-68630872 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000529851 (APLF-006)
68467572-68579257 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENSG00000197223 (C1D)
C1D nuclear receptor corepressor
ENST00000355848 (C1D-001)
68041130-68062983 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000407324 (C1D-002)
68042209-68062982 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409302 (C1D-007)
68042677-68063009 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000410067 (C1D-006)
68042656-68063025 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000470189 (C1D-005)
68047277-68110948 |
processed_transcript |
ENST00000479484 (C1D-004)
68042714-68046568 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000485709 (C1D-003)
68042832-68062994 |
retained_intron |
ENSG00000203395 (AC015969.3)
ENST00000366218 (AC015969.3-001)
68361214-68365584 |
antisense |
ENSG00000204923 (FBXO48)
F-box protein 48
ENST00000377957 (FBXO48-001)
68459419-68467258 |
protein_coding |
ENSG00000216115 (AC017083.1)
ENST00000401296 (AC017083.1-201)
68229926-68230015 |
miRNA |
ENSG00000221823 (PPP3R1)
protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B, alpha
ENST00000234310 (PPP3R1-001)
68178857-68252531 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409377 (PPP3R1-004)
68180947-68251148 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409752 (PPP3R1-003)
68180804-68256237 |
protein_coding |
ENSG00000243667 (WDR92)
WD repeat domain 92
ENST00000295121 (WDR92-001)
68129803-68157560 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000406245 (WDR92-004)
68134084-68157473 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000409164 (WDR92-005)
68134090-68157482 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000457114 (WDR92-003)
68131760-68138785 |
protein_coding |
ENST00000468984 (WDR92-006)
68147467-68157549 |
retained_intron |
ENST00000492039 (WDR92-002)
68122936-68157546 |
processed_transcript |
ENSG00000273275 (RP11-474G23.2)
ENST00000609955 (RP11-474G23.2-001)
68179833-68180532 |
antisense |
ENSG00000273398 (WDR92)
WD repeat domain 92
ENST00000406334 (WDR92-001)
68131238-68261230 |
nonsense_mediated_decay |
ENST00000614162 (WDR92-201)
68130149-68261230 |
protein_coding |